This coming Wednesday, August 9, 2023, we will be moving all our fiber-optic cables in the data center into a new patch panel & splice tray. I expect to begin the actual move no earlier than 10:00am local time, EDT (UTC -4). We have multiple layers of redundancy in place, however during this move, it is possible for a complete outage - ... بیشتر »
Effective 9/12/2016: Just199 Hosting has been purchased by Unlimited Net, LLC in Columbus, Indiana. Unlimited Net has been in the hosting business since 2004. Our billing / support portal has been migrated to a new server. We are in the process of making plans to move all cPanel accounts to new servers. If you would like to have your ... بیشتر »
As the Internet matures and more businesses create websites, two things are happening: online marketing is becoming more competitive and it's getting harder for website owners to make their sites stand out. To help our customers succeed online, Just199 Hosting has strategically partnered with Attracta to offer free search engine optimization ... بیشتر »
We're pleased to announce the immediate release of our new client portal which delivers an improved look and additional features. It's been a long time coming, but finally we've flicked the switch on this new release. Whilst many of the changes are designed to assist users who aren't entirely familiar with our legacy client area, it does include ... بیشتر »